Mussels and Fries

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Noée, a 9-year-old girl, just joined her mother on the island of Bénac’h in Brittany. She discovers that all of the kids here have known each other forever and that they all know how to sail. And Noée wants to try! But her mother doesn’t have the means to sign her up for sailing class.

  • year
  • nationality
  • running time
  • rights end
  • director's country
  • screenplay
    Johanna Goldschmidt, Laure-Élisabeth Bourdaud
  • countries excluded
    Andorre, Belgique, France, Luxembourg, Monaco, Suisse
  • distributor
  • producers
    Miyu Production
  • song writers
    Yan Volsy

Kit de ressources

  • 2media
  • 1technical resource


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