Luisa and the Feathered Snake
Louise et la légende du serpent à plumesDownload3 subtitles languages
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Luisa, 9 years old, has just moved to Mexico City. When Keza, her beloved lizard, escapes in the streets of the city, Louise goes looking for him and meets Arturo. Together with the wrestler Diego, the two children will pursue Keza and allow him to be reincarnated as the Mexican god, Quetzalcoatl.
- year2021
- nationalityFrance
- running time27min
- rights end01/09/2026
- filmed inMexico
- countries excludedFrance, Monaco
- distributorMIAM!
- producersKazak Productions
- co-producersFolimage
- song writersChristophe Héral
- 2media
- 1technical resource
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