Funny Birds
Drôles d'oiseauxDownload3 subtitles languages
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Ten and a half years-old, Ellie is entering secondary school in Saumur. Shy and fascinated by nature, she spends her time with books, especially ones on ornithology. Ellie draws the attention of Anna, the school’s librarian, a mysterious woman with whom she forms a mysterious bond. The day when Ellie must absolutely return a book to Anna, she finds the school library closed. Ellie decides to take it back to Anna’s home, a few miles from school, on an island on the Loire River. An island full of birds.
- year2021
- nationalityFrance
- running time34min
- rights end01/09/2026
- filmed inFrance
- colourColour
- countries excludedEspagne, France, Monaco
- distributorMIAM!
- executive producersDoncvoilà Productions
- 2media
- 1technical resource
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