Hot rod
Bolidewith Bilel Chegrani, Mathilde La Musse, Fanta KebeDownload6 subtitles languages
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Summer 2031, 104°. Saadia, 16, is oriented in mechanical school although the car industry is in crisis and there are only a few electric cars in circulation. Her friends, Charly and Titi, throw a joke to cheer her up: what if the car of the future was a horse? Against all odds, Saadia trades her scooter for a massive workhorse which she brings back to the heart of her housing project.
- year2021
- nationalityFrance
- running time17min
- rights end31/01/2027
- director's countryFrance
- filmed inFrance
- colourColour
- countries excludedFrance, Monaco
- 2media
- 1technical resource
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