Echoes of Nature
Earth Day, April 22, 2025
18 filmsOn the occasion of Earth Day, dive into the heart of environmental issues through a selection of poignant, committed and inspiring films. From climate change to the preservation of biodiversity, including the management of natural resources, each screening invites a deep reflection on our behaviors and their impacts on the Earth.

- Literary adaptation, Adventure, Drama
- 2022
- 1h35
Pierre, a famous explorer and writer, regularly travels around the world in search of adventure. One evening, he climbs the facade of a hotel, drunk, and falls several floors. The shock plunges him into a deep coma. When he wakes up, when he can barely stand up and against everyone's advice, he decides to travel across France on foot, taking forgotten paths. A unique and timeless journey where the actor follows in the footsteps of Sylvain Tesson to encounter hyper-rurality.

- Comedy-drama
- 2022
- 1h25
Max doesn’t dream of making green walls for five-star hotels. Tenacious landscaper, committed but cornered, he fights to create a wild garden, without fence, in the heart of downtown Marseille: a plant area open to all. After years of rejection, his project reached the final stage of an architecture competition. For Max, this is the last chance to offer oxygen to the people who are suffocating in an urban hell, under the beating sun.

- 2022
- 1h30
À l’été 2021, une vague de chaleur et une sécheresse exceptionnelle provoquent des incendies géants qui ravagent 19 millions d’hectares dans le nord-est de la Sibérie. Dans cette région, au cœur de la taïga, le village de Shologon se voile d’un épais nuage de fumée. Les cendres noires portées par le vent propagent des nouvelles alarmantes : la forêt est en feu et les flammes approchent. Abandonnés par l’État, les habitants se mobilisent pour affronter le Dragon. Téléchargement disponible à partir du 1er novembre

- Fantasy and science fiction, Drama
- 2022
- 1h52
Pierre, a Parisian engineer, goes up in the Alps for his work. Irresistibly attracted by what surrounds him, he camps out alone high in the mountains and leaves behind his everyday life. Up there he meets Léa, a chef of an alpine restaurant, while mysterious glows glitter in the deep mountains…

- Literary adaptation, Drama
- 2023
- 1h59
Brittany, France. Following the recent deaths of locals on Breton beaches, a reporter comes to investigate the mystery surrounding algae that may be a cause of these tragic events. As evidence is being covered up and threats to her research mount up, she realizes that some politicians with close ties to prominent local corporations are working to stop her from uncovering the shocking truth.

- Biopic
- 2023
- 1h44
Between the Pyrenees and the Atlantic flow powerful rivers called gaves. Cornfields make them thirsty, dams block the flow of salmon. Human activity disrupts the water cycle and the biodiversity of the river. Men and women turn their curious and loving gaze towards this fascinating world made of beauty and disaster.

- Comedy-drama
- 2022
- 1h22
A humpback whale is beached on a remote shore. During the fight to save its life, we will discover the story of these extraordinary creatures, denizens of the world’s oceans. Inspired by Heathcote Williams’ bestselling book, WHALE NATION takes us on a journey of discovery into the unexplored territories and barely known society of whales, with their remarkable abilities and incredibly rich and complex social lives.

- 2020
- 1h36
Depuis 6 ans, Melati, 18 ans combat la pollution plastique qui ravage son pays l’Indonésie. Comme elle, une génération se lève pour réparer le monde

- Drama
- 2020
- 1h28
Nour has just been hired as a nurse in the chemical plant where her father, a union delegate and long-time company leader, works. While the plant is undergoing a health inspection, a young journalist is investigating the waste management. The two young women gradually discover that this factory, a pillar of the local economy, is hiding many secrets. Between lies about polluting discharges, doctored medical records and hidden accidents, Nour will have to choose between keeping silent or betraying her father and getting the truth out.

- 2021
- 1h45
The place of mankind among the living is the main topic. At the instigation of Cyril Dion, who already gave us his vision with Tomorrow, and the primatologist Jane Goodall, two teenagers will embark in an extraordinary quest: to find another way of living alongside other species, more as roomates than predators. To do so, they will travel and meet with scientists and activists all over the globe.

- Drama
- 2024
- 13min
On July 25, 2020, the bulk carrier MV Wakashio ran aground on the reef on the east coast of Mauritius. 12 days later, oil began to spill, causing the worst ecological disaster ever to occur in the region.

- Young audience
- 2019
- 1h01
10 species of animals among so many others are born, live, and become accustomed to each other along beside a river... The long-eared owl takes flight to be born a second time and to tame the night. The great-crested grebe moves back and forth in its fishing terriotry, becoming invisible and dancing with the seaweed. The kingfisher in its journey in search of a place in the sun. The European pond turtle which drifts on the water and defies time. The Irish bat which sees the evening symphony with its ears. The European beaver, the builder of riverbanks which cannot resist the smell of trees. The fire salamander explores both side of the world, this strange marvel. The great bittern, a reed bird that dreams of catching the moon. The pike which hopes to become huge in order to experience great adventures. And, last but not least, the emperor dragonfly, this fighter whose armor is forged by the sun. They all shout: "Hello world!"

- Classics
- 1933
- 13min
L'hippocampe est le seul poisson à se mouvoir verticalement. C'est aussi l'un des rares animaux dont le mâle nourrit les oeufs déposés par la femelle dans une poche patricielle et accouche véritablement de petits, en roulant des yeux en signe de souffrance... Pour filmer au fond de l'estuaire de la Garonne, la première caméra insubmersible mobile a été bricolée. Ce film, illustré par une musique de Darius Milhaud, montre avec précision et humour la vie de cet étrange animal sous-marin.

- 1954
- 11min
Chez l'oursin, le plus étonnant se trouve sur la carapace. En la survolant on ne voit qu'une forêt impénétrable puis on distingue des piquants qui remuent. (...) Mais enfonçons-nous dans la forêt en la grossissant. Autour des piquants devenus doriques, nous découvrons une autre forêt plus petite, les arbustes... A travers ce documentaire très complet sur la biologie et le comportement de l'oursin, Jean Painlevé nous offre un voyage au cœur de cet animal étonnant.

- Classics
- 1972
- 13min
" De nombreux mollusques sont hermaphrodites fonctionnels réciproques simultanés. Chez les acéras, hermaphrodites où la copulation a lieu en chaîne, l'animal de tête jouera le rôle de femelle, celui qui termine le rôle de mâle, les intermédiaires joueront un double rôle, femelle avec le suivant, mâle avec le précédent. Les acéras vivent et se nourrissent dans la vase et les algues. Lorsque les danses ont lieu, elles gagnent de proche en proche les animaux libres qui développent les lobes latéraux comme des capes... "

- 1967
- 13min
La pieuvre, animal mystérieux et légendaire, a depuis toujours été l'objet d'une grande fascination. Illustré par une musique de Pierre Henry, le film de Jean Painlevé la traque dans les moindres fentes des rochers à marée basse. Mais c'est la reproduction de l'animal qui l'intéresse tout particulièrement : on découvre comment, après la ponte, la femelle ne cesse de remuer les deux cent mille oeufs afin d'assurer la propreté du nid et la respiration des embryons à travers la membrane.

- Comedy, Adventure
- 2021
- 17min
Summer 2031, 104°. Saadia, 16, is oriented in mechanical school although the car industry is in crisis and there are only a few electric cars in circulation. Her friends, Charly and Titi, throw a joke to cheer her up: what if the car of the future was a horse? Against all odds, Saadia trades her scooter for a massive workhorse which she brings back to the heart of her housing project.

- Comedy, Young audience, Adventure
- 2014
- 7min
It's the story of a tree, a tree like any other. One fine day, it jumps into a pair of boots and sets out for a stroll, inviting everyone it meets along the way to follow it: everyday routine then turns into a joyful parade.