La Vie est belle

Version restaurée with Wemba Papa, Landu Nzunzimbu Matshia, Lokinda Menji Feza, Bibi Krubwa, Kanko Kasango
7 formatsFrench6 subtitles languages
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Kourou, a young villager, decides to conquer Kinshasa, the capital. But it is easier said than done. In the big city, Kourou finds nothing but odd jobs and throws his life away with prostitutes. One day he is even fired for stealing. The situation seems hopeless but the worm turns the moment when, after entering a bar, Kourou takes a mike in his hands and starts singing.

  • year
  • nationality
    Democratic Republic of the Congo, Belgium
  • running time
  • rights end
  • director's country
    Democratic Republic of the Congo, Democratic Republic of the Congo
  • filming format
    35 MM
  • colour
  • director of photography
    Michel Baudour
  • countries excluded
    Belgique, Burkina Faso, France, Luxembourg, Netherlands
  • producers
    Lamy Films

Kit de ressources

  • 4media
  • 2technical resources

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