Love According to Dalva

by Emmanuelle Nicot20221h24FictionDrama
with Zelda Samson, Alexis Manenti, Fanta Guirassi
2 formatsFrench4 subtitles languages
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Although Dalva is 12, she dresses, wears make-up and lives like a woman. One evening, she’s suddenly taken away from a father’s house. Dumbfounded and outraged at first, she later meets Jayden, a social worker, and Samia, a teen with a temper. A new life seems to start for Dalva, that of a girl her age.

  • year
  • nationality
    France, Belgium
  • running time
  • rights end
  • director's country
  • colour
  • director of photography
    Caroline Guimbal
  • distributor
  • producers
    Tripode Productions
  • song writers
    Frédéric Alvarez

Kit de ressources

  • 6media
  • 1technical resource

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