Notre-Dame on Fire
Notre-Dame brûlewith Samuel Labarthe, Jean-Paul Bordes, Vassili SchneiderDownload3 subtitles languages
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NOTRE-DAME ON FIRE offers a blow-by-blow recreation of the gripping events that took place on April 15, 2019, when the cathedral suffered the biggest blaze in its history. The film retraces how heroic men and women put their lives on the line to accomplish an awe-inspiring rescue.
- year2021
- nationalityFrance
- running time1h50
- rights end01/12/2027
- filmed inFrance
- colourColour
- screenplayThomas Bidegain
- director of photographyJean-Marie Dreujou
- distributorPATHE FILMS
- song writersSimon Franglen
- 3media
- 2technical resources
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