Le Franc
Version restauréewith Aminata Fall, Ma Dieye Dieye, B. Demba, Ma Dieye Dieye, Demba BâMarigo is a musician. Ever since his landlady confiscated his instrument, a congoma, in lieu of his rent arrears, his dreams have revolved round getting it back. He manages to get hold of a national lottery ticket. To keep it safe until the draw, he glues it to his door and covers it with a poster of one of his childhood idols. On the night of the draw, Marigo cannot believe his luck: the winning number is the one on his ticket! He has visions of himself as a millionaire with a thousand congomas, an orchestra, a private aeroplane. The only snag is, the ticket is stuck to the door. Marigo prises the door from its hinges and carries it to the lottery office. Restored in 2K in 2018 by Eclair in partnership with Waka Films (Silvia Voser) and La Cinémathèque Afrique.
- year1994
- nationalitySenegal
- running time45min
- rights end05/09/2025
- director's countrySenegal
- countries excludedAllemagne, France, Italie
- distributorWaka Films (Silvia Voser)
- producersWaka Films, Maag Dan, Scolopendra Productions
- distributorMédiathèque des Trois Mondes (M3M)
- editingStéphan Oriach
- 9media
- 2technical resources
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