The Tree
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On a bare hill, an isolated oak lives. Further down, a little house inhabited by young newly-weds expecting a baby. In an unexpected way, the oak gives birth to a small bud that it will try to protect with every excess of nature. To its great joy, the bud transforms into a small bush and then into a young tree. But during a huge storm, the dried-out tree is uprooted.
- Nature, Family, Countryside, Death
- In the cycle Fête du cinéma d'animation 2024 courts métrages
- year2015
- nationalityFrance, Czech Republic
- running time15min
- rights end01/09/2028
- director's countryCzech Republic
- colourColour
- countries excludedAndorre, France, Monaco
- executive producersLes films de l'arlequin
- song writersOlivier Daviaud
- 2media
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