Bal poussière

Version restaurée
by Henri Duparc19881h31FictionComedy, Classics
with Thérèse Taba, Naki Sy Savane, Hanny Tchelley, Bamba Bakari, Henri Duparc, Akissi Delta, Bernard Dechet, Boncona Maiga, Jeanine Bana
8 formatsFrench4 subtitles languages

Demi-dieu (Demigod) is a wealthy farmer and village head with five wives. When he decides to marry a sixth, young Binta, to have one for each day of the week (apart from Sunday, the day of rest), his five wives become discontent. Binta, a modern, self-confident woman, doesn't want to be kept in line. Soon there is conflict with her husband as well as with the other five wives, creating comic relief.

  • year
  • nationality
    Ivory Coast
  • running time
  • rights end
  • director's country
    Ivory Coast
  • filmed in
    Ivory Coast
  • filming format
    35 MM
  • colour

Kit de ressources

  • 8media
  • 1technical resource

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