Lancelot of the Lake
Cycle Robert Bresson 2020Lancelot du lacwith Luc Simon, Laura Duke Condominas, Arthur De Montalembert, Patrick Bernhard, Humbert Balsan, Vladimir Antolek-Oresek, Laura Duke4 formatsFrench5 subtitles languages
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A million miles away from 'Camelot' or 'Excalibur', this film ruthlessly strips the Arthurian legend down to its barest essentials. Arthur's knights, far from being heroic, are conniving and greedy men who, just before the film starts, have failed miserably to find the Holy Grail. Aimlessly resentful at first, the developing relationship between Lancelot and Queen Guinevere focuses their rage, leading to inevitable tragedy...
- year1974
- nationalityFrance
- running time1h25
- rights end31/12/2025
- director's countryFrance
- filming format35 MM
- colourColour
- distributorGAUMONT
- producersGaumont
- 5media
- 1technical resource
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