Beyond a film, Icebreaker is in 1987 the first media composition, construction of 3 original works made on the Swedish icebreaker Frej, and involving the main means of expression. "Bateau Givre" by Jean Rouch (35'), carries the principles of direct cinema. Rouch discovers in his camera, without the artifice of a commentary, without the help of a third language, the work and the days of the icebreaker and the men who serve it. "Hans Majestäts Statsisbrytaren Frej" by Titte Törnroth (20'), offers a second approach, where the characters, who have acquired a mysterious presence with Rouch, evoke their work, their emotions, in their activities as well as in their moments of relaxation. This film answers the questions left unanswered in the previous one. Raoul Ruiz's "Tales of Ice" (34'); when the viewer thinks he has gone around a reality that has become familiar, makes it tip over into a profusion of fictions; three stories weave together in this fantastic film where ice plays the central role, where the icebreaker becomes a strange vessel wandering on the edge of the world.
- year1987
- nationalityFrance
- running time1h26
- rights end30/12/2050
- director's countryNiger
- filming format35 MM
- colourBlack and white and colour
- countries excludedFrance
- distributorMEDIAS ET MEDIAS
- producersMinistère Des Affaires éTrangères
- 7media
- 1technical resource
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