Nelson Mandela

by Joël Calmettes20081h33Documentary
DVD3 subtitles languages

Nelson Mandela is a legend. A living icon. A name. Wisdom made man. Today, at 90, Mandela has no more official responsibilities. He devotes himself to the fight against AIDS through the foundation that bears his name. His life has turned into destiny a life begun in a village in the Transkei province and crowned by a Nobel Peace Prize. An exceptional political life that contrasts with a personal life full of drama and failure. Who is really Nelson Mandela? How does he judge his commitments today? This film proposes to answer many questions, not through a hagiographical biography, but by placing Mandela in the history of a singular and little-known country, South Africa, and of a continent, Africa, in the grip of a painful and bloody decolonization during the second half of the 20th century.

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  • 1media

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