Au bled

by Stéphane Le Gall-Viliker200352minDocumentary
DVDFrench3 subtitles languages
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For some young French people of Malian origin, the passage to adulthood is also accompanied by a return to their parents' homeland: the return to the hinterland. Whether temporary or permanent, this journey most often becomes a real problem for young people who do not recognize the country and experience it as exile. The filmmaker collects the testimonies of these young French people on the spot and questions their identity and their hopes: how do they think about Africa? What do they say about France? For each one of them, the reason for their return is different: an arranged marriage, the resumption of a family business or to rediscover family and traditional values. But between boredom and rejection of a different way of life, France is still the missing reference point. From this series of testimonies a common destiny emerges: a difficulty in assuming both a French identity and African roots, the contradictory hopes of a generation that grew up outside the country.

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    Les Films D'ici

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