
by Aïcha Macky20211h22Documentary
2 formats4 subtitles languages
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In the town of Zinder in Niger, in the poor area of Kara-Kara which used to be the lepers’ district, a culture of gang violence reigns. A group of youths is attempting to change their path, some are trying to start a family and make a life for themselves rather than end up in prison. Aicha Macky, who comes from Zinder, films their daily lives shared between their gangs, their families, odd jobs, and their desire to break free from the cycle of violence which has built their identities. This film will be available in Africa from June 2022 and in Asia from September 2022.

  • year
  • nationality
    Niger, France, Mali, Germany
  • running time
  • rights end
  • director's country
  • filmed in
  • colour
  • distributor
  • producers
    Andana Films

Kit de ressources

  • 3media
  • 2technical resources

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