Goodbye Jerome!

Au revoir Jérômewith William Lebghil, Alma Jodorowsky
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Having just arrived in paradise, Jerome sets out to find his wife Maryline. In the course of his search, he sinks into a surreal and colourful world in which no one seems to be able to help him.

  • year
  • nationality
  • running time
  • rights end
  • director's country
    France, France, France
  • countries excluded
    France, Monaco
  • distributor
    Miyu Distribution
  • producers
    Gobelins - L'École De L'Image
  • distributor
    SFMD, dit Miyu Distribution
  • song writers
    Anna Cordonnier, Amandine Robillard

Kit de ressources

  • 2media
  • 1technical resource

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