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Kaleb is a young adult who lives on petty jobs. Fascinated by exotic animals, he finds a poisonous spider in a bazaar and brings it back to his flat. It only takes a moment for it to escape and reproduce, turning the place into a dreadful web trap. At the same time, the police lock down the building where the residents are ambushed. Only option for Kaleb and his mates - find the way out, to survive.
- Animaux, Horror, Freaks, City
- In the cycle Frissons !
- year2023
- nationalityFrance
- running time1h45
- rights end01/11/2027
- director's countryFrance
- filmed inFrance
- colourColour
- distributorsCHARADES, WTFILMS
- 7media
- 2technical resources
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