Jeanne la pucelle
Les batailles / Les prisonsThe Battles (160') : Since her youth, Joan of Arc has heard voices ordering her to drive the English out of France and lead the Dauphin Charles to Reims. Confident in her mission, the young woman persuades her lord, the Sire of Baudricourt and the Dauphin himself to entrust her with an army. Impressed by so much maturity and courage, the latter accepts Jeanne's request, thus putting the kingdom at risk. The prisons (170'): Following their victory in Orleans and Reims, the Dauphin Charles becomes King of France thanks to his faithful right-hand man, Joan of Arc. However, a few months later, the young woman falls from grace, suffering many failures on the front. And to the great surprise of all, the fall of the Maid of Orleans will be even more painful.
- year1993
- running time5h50
- rights end08/03/2014
- filming format35 MM
- colourColour
- producersPierre Grise Productions
- 1media
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