Ernest and Célestine : A Journey in Charabia

Ernest et Célestine - Le Voyage en Charabiewith Lambert Wilson
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Ernest and Celestine return to Ernest’s land, Charabia, to repair his precious broken violin. They discover that music has been banned all over the country for several years. For our two heroes, it is unthinkable to live without music! Joined by new friends, including a mysterious masked avenger, Ernest and Celestine will try to right this injustice and bring joy back to land of bears.

  • year
  • nationality
  • running time
  • rights end
  • colour
  • music composed by
    Vincent Courtois
  • distributor
  • original work authors
    Gabrielle Vincent
  • composers
    Vincent Courtois

Kit de ressources

  • 4media
  • 2technical resources


Un superbe film d'animation qui promeut la liberté musicale à travers le voyage d'Ernest et Célestine en Charabie.

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