Plus loin que le bleu du ciel

by Valérie Winckler200552minDocumentary
DVDFrench, EnglishSpanish
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In less than 30 years, a team of men and women will head to the planet Mars for a journey of nearly 6 months. It sounds like science fiction, yet the Mars exploration project is a reality, especially for the astronauts who are emotionally and physically involved. Literally overwhelmed by their disturbing experience in space, five astronauts - one Russian, one American, one Canadian and two Europeans - reveal the full dimension of this new epic and the effects it could have, not only for science, but also for humanity. The director explores the intimate and the infinite... Images of the solar system, Mars and Earth, astronauts on space missions during spacewalks alternate with testimonials of a unique experience. All share their thoughts on the future of the space adventure and the profoundly human part of their personal adventure.

  • year
  • running time
  • rights end
  • filming format
  • colour
  • countries excluded
  • distributor
    La Sept ARTE
  • producers
    La Sept ARTE, Europe images international

Kit de ressources

  • 2media

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