L'Enfant sauvage

by François Truffaut19701h23FictionDrama
with François Truffaut, Jean-Pierre Cargol
35 mmFrenchEnglish

In 1798, some peasants in the Aveyron discovered a child in a forest who seemed to have been living in the wild for a long time. This child could not read, write or even walk. From the gendarmerie in Rodez, he was taken to the Institut des Sourds-Muets in Paris. Jean Itard, one of the doctors of this institute is fascinated by the young savage, he takes him in charge as do his colleagues who think that he is definitely crazy and incurable. With Mrs. Guérin, his housekeeper, Dr. Itard devotes himself entirely to the education of the child who is now called Victor, inventing for him ways of communicating by gestures. Victor runs away but returns to Dr. Itard who treats him like a son.

  • year
  • running time
  • rights end
  • filming format
    35 MM
  • colour
  • distributor
  • producers
    Les Films Du Carrosse

Kit de ressources

  • 1media

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