I Can't Sleep
J'ai pas sommeilwith Katia Golubeva, Richard Courcet, Laurent Grévill, Béatrice Dalle, Katerina Golubeva, Line Renaud, Alex Descas, Sophie Simon, Irina Grjebina, Vincent Dupont, Patrick Grandperret, Tolsty, Ira Mandella-Paul, Dani, Jacques Nolot, Solveig Dommartin, Manuela Gourary, Antoine Chappey, Catherine Frot, Flamand DidierIt's early morning in Paris when Daïga, the girl from Vilnius, turns up at the wheel of her old car. She has done the trip in one go. In her pocket, she has a little money, a lot of cigarettes and two phone numbers. She has dumped everything to come to Paris. She's an actress. Back in Vilnius, she had met a French director who was passing through the city and promised to help her. Paris is virtually reduced to the limits of a single administrative district, the 18th, which is also the hunting ground of a killer of old ladies. The city is like a gigantic anthill, busy by day and also by night, with no chance of rest. Above all this, like a headdress, the police investigation continues. There are murders and all the other minor malicous crimes that tear people's hearts to shreds.
- year1993
- nationalityFrance
- running time1h50
- rights end06/11/2020
- filming format35 MM
- colourColour
- screenplayClaire Denis, Jean-Pol Fargeau
- director of photographyAgnès Godard
- distributorARENA
- dialogClaire Denis, Jean-Pol Fargeau
- 6media
- 2technical resources
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