Les Parents terribles

by Jean Cocteau19481h43FictionDrama
with Jean Marais, Yvonne De Bray, Josette Day
35 mmFrenchEnglish

A mother, Yvonne, loves her son Michel to the point of forgetting her husband and life outside. Michel, after running away, confesses to his mother that he has met a young woman, Madeleine, whom he loves and wants to introduce to her. But Madeleine is none other than his father's mistress. Yvonne, jealous, wants Michel and Madeleine's affair to end. The father suggests to Madeleine to confess a third lover to disgust Michel and force him to break up. Through an aunt, Michel and Madeleine reconcile while Yvonne poisons herself.

  • year
  • running time
  • rights end
  • filming format
    35 mm
  • colour
    Black and white
  • distributor
  • producers
    Les films ariane

Kit de ressources

  • 1media

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