
Cycle de 6 films Ukrainiens
by Taras Tomenko20211h08Documentary
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Nastya was ten when a missile fired by Russian terrorists on New Year's Eve changed her life forever. It took her father's life and destroyed their house. Nastya's school is only in 500 meters from the front line. War has become commonplace. Just a part of the landscape. The only means for Nastya's family to survive is the scrap metal they scavenge while under fire. Senya is seven years old. He is a first-grader. In the seven years of his life, he has seen seven years of war and not a day of peace. Senya likes to climb on the boney pile to watch the sunset. His stepfather dig graves to earn money for a new suit and backpack for Senya. This is a film about the children who live in the war zone in Ukraine.

  • year
  • running time
  • rights end
  • director's country
  • colour
  • countries excluded
    France, Russia, Ukraine
  • distributor
    Insight Media Producing Center

Kit de ressources

  • 3media
  • 2technical resources

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