
Danse à l'écran

Sélection de films où la danse rencontre le cinéma

3 films

Une sélection de films documentaires, de fictions et de courts-métrages où la danse s'invite à l'écran.

Danse à l'écran
  • Literary adaptation, Comedy-drama
  • 2016
  • France
  • 1h48
  • last chance
by Angelin Preljocaj and Valérie Müller

Moscow, early 90s. Polina, aged 8, is a gifted ballerina. From a modest background she joins the prestigious school of Professor Bojinsky, who trains dancers for the Bolshoi. He immediately grasps her tremendous potential and makes her work so hard that at only 18 her dream finally comes true and she enters the prestigious Bolshoi. This is when she meets Adrien, a charming French dancer. He will help her to discover not only love but, more importantly, a new form of dance, more contemporary and expressive, a kind of dance that will change her life forever. From Moscow to Aix-En-Provence and Antwerp, from success to disillusion, we follow Polina's incredible destiny.

  • Musical comedy
  • 2021
  • France
  • 1h48
by Philippe Béziat

This is a premiere for 30 dancers of hip-hop, krump, break, voguing... A first for the director Clément Cogitore and for the choreographer Bintou Dembélé. And a first for the Paris’ Opera Bastille. By bringing together urban dance and opera singing, they reinvent Jean-Philippe Rameau's baroque masterpiece, Les Indes Galantes. From rehearsals to public performances, it is a human adventure and a meeting of political realities that we follow: can a new generation of artists storm the Bastille today?

  • 2021
  • France
  • 1h50
by Thierry Demaizière and Alban Teurlai

In the middle of Paris, young people are trained to become professional dancers and, at the same time, they are prepared for their A levels. That's the deal. The training motivates, strengthens and allows the students to surpass themselves, including overcoming setbacks. Everyone brings his or her own story: complex family relationships, problems in the social environment and in school. Through dance, the students learn to translate their experiences into physical energy. The intimately immersive camera interweaves explosive movement with moments of reflection. There are injuries and deficits, but also hopes, dreams and inner transformations.

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