
Mois du film documentaire - Prendre la parole

Parole(s) intime(s)

8 films

Une sélection de documentaires qui laissent émerger des trajectoires subjectives.

Mois du film documentaire - Prendre la parole
  • 2022
  • France
  • 1h55
by Alice Diop

The RER B is an urban train that traverses Paris and its environs from north to south. A moving testament to the importance of filming as a process of bearing witness and remembering, We is subtle and shrewd in a world which favours shortcuts and easy answers. Justifiably adopting the fragmented structure of a patchwork portrait in order to describe a riven society, Diop displays impressive control of her essay and its impact. In the film’s first few minutes, a deer is observed, through binoculars. Isolation, discrimination and nostalgia for hierarchies, inherited from a monarchical past… Divisions haunt France’s present. But the human urge to give as well as to receive stubbornly creeps into every situation,observed or triggered. Could this be the one thing that still keeps a nation together?

  • 2022
  • France
  • 1h17
by Fanny Molins

At l'Atlantic Bar, Nathalie, the owner, is at the center of attention. Here, people sing, dance and hold each other close. After the bar is put up for sale, Nathalie and the regulars are faced with the end of their world and the loss of a place, at times harmful, but desperately needed.

  • 2021
  • France
  • 1h39
by Régis Sauder

Il y a dix ans, Emmanuelle, professeure de français d’un lycée des quartiers Nord de Marseille, participait à un film avec ses élèves. A partir de l’étude de La Princesse de Clèves, Abou, Morgane, Laura, Cadiatou et les autres énonçaient leurs rêves, leurs désirs et leurs peurs. Tous se retrouvent aujourd’hui, les souvenirs se mélangent aux récits de leur vie et des obstacles à surmonter. Que reste-t-il de leurs espoirs de liberté, d’égalité et de fraternité ? « Je sais bien qu’il n’y a rien de plus difficile que ce que j’entreprends. », cette phrase du roman trouve plus que jamais écho en eux. En nous.

  • Biopic
  • 2018
  • France
  • 1h46
  • last chance
by Yolande Zauberman

Suburbs of Tel Aviv. Bnei Brak, world capital of the Haredim, the ultra- Orthodox Jews. When he was a kid, Menahem Lang was known for his kindness, his commitment to Talmud school and especially his golden voice, which made him a renowned performer of liturgical chants. But he was hiding a secret: for years, he was raped by members of the community that worshipped him. After 10 years, Menahem returns to the scene of the crime. It is also a return to the places he loved, a path of initiation sprinkled with incredible encounters, recovered rituals... a reconciliation.

  • 2015
  • France
  • 1h40
by Hassen Ferhani

In the largest slaughterhouse in Algiers, men live and work in closed to the throbbing rhythms of their tasks and their dreams. Hope, bitterness, love, paradise and hell, the football stories as of the Chaabi and Rai melodies that set their lives and their world.

  • 2021
  • Ukraine
  • 1h20
by Irena Stetsenko

A cinéma-vérité documentary following Dakh Daughters - an intellectual freak cabaret band, created by seven actresses under the roof of Kyiv experimental contemporary theater Dakh. The video diary spans almost five years, following Dakh Daughters since their first show, titled 'Roses' - after their first popular song 'Rozy / Donbas', written long before Donbas region became the war-torn zone of the so called 'Russian Spring'

  • Biopic
  • 2022
  • France
  • 1h02
by Annie Ernaux and David Ernaux-Briot

"En revoyant nos films super huit pris entre 1972 et 1981, il m’est apparu que ceux-ci constituaient non seulement une archive familiale mais aussi un témoignage sur les goûts, les loisirs, le style de vie et les aspirations d’une classe sociale, au cours de la décennie qui suit 1968. Ces images muettes, j’ai eu envie de les intégrer dans un récit au croisement de l’histoire, du social et aussi de l’intime, en utilisant mon journal personnel de ces années-là."- Annie Ernaux

  • Historical film, Biopic
  • 2021
  • France
  • 1h44
by Julien Faraut

Les joueuses japonaises de volley-ball surnommées les “Sorcières de l’Orient” sont aujourd’hui septuagénaires. Depuis la formation de l’équipe à l’usine, jusqu’à leur victoire aux Jeux olympiques de Tokyo en 1964, souvenirs et légendes remontent à la surface et se mélangent inextricablement.

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